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101 ways to promote your next event

Here’s our list of 101 marketing ideas to promote your next conference. Knock yourself out (or, get in touch if you want help identifying the best possible ones for your purpose)!

Amazingly, this is by no means an exhaustive list. How many more can you think of?

1. Brand name

2. Web address

3. Hashtag

4. Logo

5. Proposition

6. Visual identity

7. Website

8. Brochures (online & offline)

9. Flyers (online & offline)

10. Posters (online & offline)

11. Business cards

12. Emails

13. Email signatures

14. Apps

15. Direct mail

16. Event listings

17. LinkedIn posts

18. LinkedIn videos

19. LinkedIn articles

20. LinkedIn ads

21. LinkedIn sponsored content

22. LinkedIn events

23. LinkedIn comments on others’ posts

24. LinkedIn sharing of others’ posts

25. Facebook events

26. Facebook posts

27. Facebook videos

28. Facebook quizzes

29. Facebook comments on others’ posts

30. Facebook sharing of others’ posts

31. Facebook ads

32. Instagram posts

33. Instagram videos

34. Instagram stories

35. Instagram reposts

36. Instagram comments on others’ posts

37. Instagram ads

38. Twitter posts

39. Twitter videos

40. Twitter comments on others’ tweets

41. Twitter sharing of others’ tweets

42. Twitter ads

43. YouTube videos

44. YouTube comments on others’ videos

45. YouTube sharing of others’ videos

46. YouTube ads

47. Pinterest boards and pins

48. Pinterest ads

49. SnapChat posts

50. SnapChat stories

51. SnapChat ads

52. Google PPC ads

53. Bing PPC ads

54. Yahoo PPC ads

55. Banner ads

56. WeChat posts

57. WeChat official account

58. Baidu PPC ads

59. Magazine ads

60. Newspaper ads

61. Television ads

62. Radio ads

63. Partnerships

64. Round tables

65. Sneak peak events

66. Roadshows

67. Speaking gigs

68. Panel sessions

69. Own podcasts

70. Guest podcast appearances

71. Webinars

72. e-Newsletters

73. e-Books

74. Infographics

75. Articles (online & offline)

76. How-to guide

77. Charts/graphs

78. "Day in the life of"

79. Dictionary

80. Illustrations

81. Lists

82. Memes (we love this one!)


84. Quizzes

85. Polls

86. Timelines

87. Tools/templates

88. User-generated content

89. Roadside banners

90. Billboards

91. Press releases

92. Interviews

93. Editorial content

94. Sponsored content

95. Influencer outreach

96. Speaker marketing

97. Sponsor marketing

98. Participant referrals

99. Cold calling

100. Warm calling

101. Fax (don’t laugh - it’s still a thing in some markets!)

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- Team UC


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