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seeking bold mavericks ready to shake things up

Let's bring joy, discovery and the true spirit of collaboration back into business events

Our global network of partners come with decades of​ experience in the world of uconferences, meetings and workshops - from every angle.
Our main takeaway from those years is that...

We need to turn the thinking behind an old and dusty conference culture upside down by designing professionally facilitated experiences built around the know-how of all participants.


This reduces our reliance on monologues by "experts" and give everyone a voice, in a world racing towards a more diverse & inclusive future. 


We love guiding you and your participants through a joyful, engaging and interactive experience - yes, even online! Whether you're trying to build a member-based community, inspire internal change, run a large-scale customer event or simply have a community conversation on Zoom, we've done it all. 


​We're made up of a dedicated team of multi-skilled events professionals around the world ready to design & deliver your very own inspiring uncommon platform. We also offer consulting, training and facilitation services depending on your unique needs.


​We've always challenged the status quo and want to make an impact with our work. In a nutshell, we want to leave the (events) world a better place.

who's behind UC


Banu Kannu (she/her)


Founder &

Chief Experience Officer


A multi-cultural and multi-lingual global citizen, Banu lives and breathes B2B business gatherings where vivid memories and meaningful connections are formed amongst even the most hardened or sceptical of participants.


Her 20+ year international career – spanning Singapore, Australia, Greater China, Europe & the US – started out in publishing and conferences, eventually moving to marketing and events in the maritime, energy and resources industries. During this time, Banu has designed and facilitated 100s of business unconferences and workshops, in-person and online, in English and Mandarin.


She is best-known for her warm professionalism, ability to invigorate and connect with a diverse range of participants as well as steer discussions towards concrete outcomes.


Banu has a Bachelors in Journalism and an Executive MBA from Columbia Business School & London Business School.


Born in Singapore of South Indian heritage, Banu has lived and worked in Australia and China (13 years in Shanghai) with extended time in London, New York City and Hong Kong. She now calls Whadjuk Noongar boodja / Perth home.


She loves pasta, the ocean and is a mad supporter of the West Coast Eagles, her local Aussie football club #GoEagles. 

about/meet team
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